
learning programming with zero experience

24th August 2024

hey hello, my name is kabe (fake name ofc) and ive recently gotten into programming, pretty cool!! html seems like the easiest one to conquer(almost every source I go to told me to start with html) i guess im just gonna write down my thoughts about stuff I find to be important enough to talk about, and also my thoughts on stupid shit(besides no one is going to read this/be interested anyways) so thats all i have to say for my very first ever log on my very first ever website(?)!!! I'll try learning more tags and attributes that I can implement on my website. maybe in a year when im better and more knowledgeable on programming this first log might strike me as nostalgic, but only time can tell wether I can get consistent enough to be considered a pro at this.

the first time I was exposed to coding was back in 8th grade, as cringy as this sound 8th grade was one of the lowest of lows in my life and I really looked forward to coding(coding class was on tuesdays so i had to wait a week just do it) even tho I didnt understand most of it I found it pleasant and enjoyable enough to make me forget about my own self destructive brain. i never really missed those days, I dont miss anything during 7th to 8th grade. the class kind of sucked, teacher never explained what html or css or javascript or any of the coding language stuff, just told us to copy his code and give us zero challenges/obstacles, that only came later in 9th grade.

heres what I used to learn the basics of HTML (pretty simple)